Catching up! A bit late!

This year Gregg and I were able to celebrate our birthdays together and with a special guest birthday girl, Auntie Leah! Gregg turned 27 on the 7th, I turned 25 on the 17th, and Auntie Leah turned (shhh…. do not let her know I told you) the big 50! This was the first big party that we have had at our house. Mom performed her magic and transformed the backyard in to a thing of beauty! We could have had a wedding on the patio, it was so amazing! Thanks Mom! It was fun to have a lot of our friends young and old(er then us) there to celebrate! Mom was such a good sister to Leah… NOT! She had everyone give the worst “old” card they could find to Auntie Leah as a contest to see who could find the worst card!Gregg and I did not win but here are the lines from the 2 cards we gave her.
Don’t sweat tuning 50!
Nobody likes to see a sweaty senior citizen!
50 is the next 40!
Yah and I and the new Queen of England!!
It is a good thing that Auntie Leah is a good sport and looks so young for her old age or we could not joke about it. We love you!
Nobody likes to see a sweaty senior citizen!
50 is the next 40!
Yah and I and the new Queen of England!!
It is a good thing that Auntie Leah is a good sport and looks so young for her old age or we could not joke about it. We love you!
wish we could have been there! BUT we'll be down there soon enough! can't wait to see you guys in less than a week, love ya!
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