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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tickes have been purchased!

Today it is official! on March 30th we are going to New Tribes Michigan to hang out, and pick up Christy and then run on to CANADA!!!! Why you ask!!! Debra is having a baby!!!! I still can not believe that my beloved Debra is going to have a baby! It makes me so happy!! And is it not so perfect that they are going to have a boy! So back to the trip... Gregg and I are going to fly to Michagan to hang out with Christy for the last day and a half of school before Spring Break. I am so excited that i gt to show my beloved husband around the school I went to not to long ago. I am sure he will be impressed with the amazing and exspansive facilities! :-) But most of all i can not wait for the 3 of us to jump in our rental car and drive up to see the growing family. So pray for our trip that he keeps everyone safe and especially that he keeps Debra and Cannan safe and happy! TTFN!


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Norm said...

YIPPIE! YIPPIE! I am so excited! So what are the actual dates?? I sure hope he wont be toooooo late! I am due the 23rd... so I guess the time you are coming is pretty perfect! =) I can't wait! Yippie!


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