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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

King of the Road

Gregg loves when he is working that he is the "King of the road". Or at least people treat him that way. I would love that feeling so Gregg and I got new cars so that we could both fell like the "King of the road" all the time. Check out our new rides!

NOT! I wish!! I just thought this pic was funny. Looks like Porsche wanted the CHP's account! :-)

First Day!

Today is Gregg's fist day at the Ventura Office. Please pray that the transition goes well and that Gregg is able to be a blessing to this office. One cool thing is that Gregg might have a bike for the fist few months or more... Gregg is officially still a Motor officer, but he will not have a bike. How it works is he is considered an alternate rider. This means that when ever one of the motor officers are on vacation or out sick, he rides their bike. I was excited to hear yesterday that it looks like he might be back on the bike right away, at least until April! Hooray for the State paying for his commute home!

The picture above is of Gregg and his dad when Gregg was on "Break In" with his training officer, when Gregg first came back from graduating Motor School at the academy.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Traffic Jam!

Remember how i said that on Saturday in San Fran that we walked around for along time trying to find a place to eat. We were not able to get to fisherman’s Warf due to a protest. I have never seen a protest...until now. We were about to cross the street when we could see a huge mob walking down the street with a bunch of signs. At the time we did not know what they were upset about.. we just kept saying "Those darn Hippies". I see now that they were protesting the War in Iraq and the President. Oh well... God is in control!

Monday, January 29, 2007


On Saturday night when Gregg and I got back from Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory there was a surprise from Gregg for me. He had the Hotel get flowers for me and leave them in the room for me to see when we walked in. They were the most beautiful flowers I have ever received! They are Gerber Daisies, Pussy Willows, and Boysenberries! Gregg surprised me again!! It amazes me that he can surprise me, I am very hard to surprise me. I was bummed that we were leaving the next morning, but Gregg helped me get them in a plastic laundry bag to get them home. They look a bit beat up now that they flew all the way home in a bag, but I was so excited to have them still with me!
Thank You Babe! You are my Hero!

Our first night at the W Hotel

Gregg's cousin Brad was our hero for the week. He was able to get us in to a corner room on the weekend at the W Hotel for less then we would have paid at Motel 6! About 10 minuets after we got there Room Service brought us a bottle of Sparkling White wine in honor of our up and coming Anniversary. We really felt spoiled at that point. Friday night when he got off work he came up to our room and then we all went to dinner in honor of his birthday that was earlier that week. We went to Gregg's favorite restaurant "House of Nanking". Gregg has now created another "House of Nanking" fan. After dinner we all went to the new mall on Market street. We wondered around and then had some Italian Sorbet. We had fun hanging out with Brad. After dinner we went to a movie with Joel and his girlfriend. They are super cute! Gregg and I took the Bart to Oakland and saw the movie with them there. What a day!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Our time off together!

Sunday 12.10 PM
Well our vacation is coming to a close. We are now sitting in the Lobby at the W Hotel. We will be flying out of Oakland in a few hours. We had a great time here in the Bay area. Our first day up here was a bit trial some though. The gentleman that was going to rent our house pulled out last second. Gregg and I had gone to extreme measures and worked hard to get the Condo back in working and clean order. But God knew that this was not the time for us to have a renter. Gregg and I had knots in our stomachs after the guy walked out on us. We knew God was in control and were trying to focus on that fact alone. It was really special to be with Nate and Erin at the time. Nate and Erin sat with us as we prayed for the future of our Condo and that the Lord would help us to still have a great time with our time off. It was amazing how much better we felt w=once we sat before the Lord and handed everything over to Him.

We spent Tuesday through Friday early afternoon with Nate and Erin. We had a blast hanging out with them and spending time with their 5 1/2 month son Silas. He is a cutie! We also had dinner on Thursday at Steve and Dew-z's house with Ricardo, Kristen, their son Micha, Nate, Erin, Silas, Mellisa, and Tyler. After dinner we all surprised Mom with a surprise Birthday desert. Steve had all the works for a great party, hats, cake, a singing balloon and great company!
Friday Afternoon Erin went with us to see Gregg's aunt Marge. She is awesome! We had lunch and talked about family!

Saturday we went to lunch with Joel and his girlfriend. The only bummer was that there was a big protest and it practically shut down the public transportation. So we all walked around for a bout an hour and a half trying fine a good restaurant that was worth the walk. We did, the Thirsty Bear. They have the best Steak sandwiches we had ever had! After that we went to the Hotel and Gregg and I got pampered. I got a manicure and Gregg got a Manlycure. It was a blast! That evening Gregg and I went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and saw a movie(that we walked out on) and then watched a movie in Bed!

We had a great time and we can not wait to do it again!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Norm and Debra!

Check out their new website/ blogg. They went for a new look and a site that better fits their needs. I just think it looks rad! Debra and Norm come up with some really cool stuff! www.copelandramblings.com For now their link on the sike of our page still works, Norm has it re-directing.

ok.. So these pics are for the below post... I could not get the pics to go with the post for some reason! I need the help of Norm and Debra! Check out their new blogg... it is AWESOME!

Some updated pics of the house.

Well we are definitely getting more moved in to our home here in Camarillo. Yesterday we finlay got working on our office. So far it has just been the junk room. It feels now like we actually have a 3 bedroom. Things in the Garage are also getting organized. It feels sooo much more like a home. So here are a few pics of the office and of the new couch that we got for the "Family Room".

Good-bye old friend...

As Some of you know Gregg is transferring to the Ventura Office as of the 31st of this month! We are excited about the change and the possibilities! I like the idea of Gregg and I eating dinner together more often! The area he will be covering goes from the Santa Barbra County line, to Malibu, to Lewis Road in Camarillo, and all the way up to the area near Pine Mountain. A big new area to learn. Gregg will miss his old office. A lot of good memories and good people. I will miss it too. I have been blessed with many opportunities to get to know some of Gregg's co- worker and their wives. But Gregg and I are excitedto see how this goes! And if it is not where the Lord ends up wanting Gregg at, he can always transfer back to West Valley!
This transfer also means that Gregg will be giving up his bike. A co-worker of his is picking it up in the morning. I think i am a bit more sentimental then Gregg but... it is still a good bye. The Ventura Office as of this moment does not have a bike for Gregg, but they said that it is much harder to find a rider then a bike. We are confident that he will be back on the bike in no time. As of now he will be an alternate rider. That means that when a bike is available, he will ride that day. So Gregg cleaned his bike for the last time but next time he cleans a bike... at least it will be a newer one!


As of today the papers are being signed to have the condo rented and moved in to on the 24th of this month!!! Praise the Lord! Please pray that all goes well and that we are able to get this all done with Gregg and I leaving tomorrow for San Fransisco! Thanks for your prayers!

Friday, January 19, 2007


It is that time of the year again! Not summer! That means that Gregg and I are going on Vacation. The reason I say not summer is because you have to have a lot of seniority to get vacation time in the summer. But we like any time off together! This year we are going to stay with our Friends Nate and Erin in The Bay area. They have a new house and a baby boy to play with. We are excited to see them all and enjoy some time of fellowship and fun with them.
We are also going to stay at the W Hotel in San Francisco for the weekend! This is where Gregg and I went on our honeymoon! We had a blast and we get ridiculously good pricing on staying there thanks to Gregg’s Cousin Brad who has worked and the W Hotel since it opened!
Gregg and I fly up to Sacramento on Tuesday to start our time away. We look forward to spending time just hanging out and seeing all of our family and friends that live up north. We will be sure to come back with some great pictures and stories to share!

A Tenant??

For those of you who are not aware, we have not sold nor had a renter for our house in Santa Clarita since we moved out in April. The Lord led us to move to Camarillo before we sold out house. It has been a really trying time not having anyone living there. But we have been trusting in the Lord and out Faith has been growing… believe me.
Today I received a call to day from the Realtor that has been trying to find us renters. The is a strong possibility that there is a couple who would be moving in next week! Their pipes broke with the extreme (in this part of California) cold. They have had to move out of the house while a contractor remodels/ fixes the house. They will have to be out for 6 months. They are very interested in the house and will be giving us an application by Monday. Please pray that the Lord will guide us in this process and please pray that this process does continue and that we will have a good tenant!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mom and Dad Bowcock

Last night we were blessed by the presence of Gregg’s Parents. They were down in San Diego for Gregg’s uncle’s 50th birthday. They were able to come to our house on their way home in the Bay area. We had my (Kathleen) Mom and Dad and my grandparents over to join us for dinner. We all had a great time of fellowship and story telling. We ended the night with Gregg playing the guitar for us. What a talented man! This morning Mom Bowcock maid us German Pancakes! They were the best! (They are not like any regular pancake and they are notcrêpes .) What a treat! Thanks Mom!
So when ever you come to town and stay with Gregg and I, ask for some German pancakes, they are the best (mom passed on the receipt to me!)!

This is a picture of a German Pancake. Usually the sides get really tall. Then you squeeze lemon juice all over and then sprinkle powdered sugar on top. It sounds a bit weird... if you have not had one! They are delish!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Here is a pic of Simon, our friends Chris and Jillians son, and Gregg. Simon loves Gregg's bike probably more than Gregg does! At 2 years old I think he knows more about the bike than I do. He know how to turn on and off the lights and the radio!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Christy... back to Bible School

Christy is back at school for her Senior semester! We took these pictures the night before we left for the airport at 4:00am! We love you Critter! And we can't wait to have you back this summer! A College graduate!!! Our little sister is getting older!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Friends and Dinner Parties

Well Gregg is feeling better, still on some Vicodin for the Kidney pain, but well enough to eat dinner. I am taking advantage of him not working I the evening, and still being off from his surgery. We have been enjoying have friends and family over for lunch and dinner. I was excited to announce that I needed Gregg to put the second leaf in the table! We are now close to all of our friends to have larger gathering for dinner. The fist night we had the family over and our good friend Rich. And then yesterday we had Mom, Rich, and the Grindstaff family over for dinner. This time we had all 8 chairs for our table set. I will tell you what, that large table looks good! It means family and friends, and lots of them! We had a blast with the Grindstaffs. The boys plaid darts while the girls sat around the table and did what we are known best for, we fellowshipped with words! Gregg and I have been trying to get together with their family ever since we got married, but living in Santa Clarita it was hard with the hour long drive to the house from Camarillo. Megan and Derik Grindstaff are shown above on Gregg’s bike. Derik got to sit on it and turn the lights on and off and listen to the radio!
Thanks everyone for coming over and spending time in fellowship with us!
Well Gregg is feeling better and we are taking

A Kitchen!!

Well these pictures are about a month old, but I thought I would give everyone a chance to see one of the things that Gregg, Papa, and I have done at the house. We were kind of burnt out after all of the work to get into the house and to get it functioning. The kitchen definitely needed help. Dad and I designed the cabinets to hold the microwave. I wanted to go for a 'Hutch" look. Gregg and Papa built the cabinets and got them all primed and hung them. Gregg and I painted them and then the men hung them. Then i got to distress them! I was so excited! I no longer had to walk out of the kitchen to use the microwave, and my cups now sit in the cabinet right by the refrigerator, and I can unload the dishwasher with out getting my daily excrcise!! We are still getting settled in but things are coming along!

Thanks boys for your help and my new cabinets!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A visit from the Neys!

Sunday night we had the joy of seeing our friends the Neys for dinner and then spend a few hours at our house on Monday morning. I (Kathleen) Went to New Tribes Bible Instatute with Anamda and Eric. Were were all friends when they started dating, got engaged, married and started a family. Amanda was 9 months pregnant with Titus at our Graduation. Poor thing, Titus was quite happy where he was, no matte what plans mommy had! Gregg knew Eric breefly when they were both life gaurds at Hume Lake. This was discovered last year when they came to see us and Eric saw a picture that we had up of the staff one of the years that Gregg was on staff. What a small world!

Now the Family has Grown to 4. Amanda, Eric, Titus and Tenaya. They are in Training with New Tribes Mission preparing to go on and help further the Gosple to those who have not heard. We are so excited to see where the Lord will take them on this journey! If you want to check up on how they are doing check out their web site at www.ntm.org/eric_ney/ .

We can not wait untill summer when they will be staying at our house for a little while. We love having them around, they are more then a blessing, they are family!

Love you guys!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Gregory Update

Today Gregg is better. Yesterday Gregg was not even able to keep water down, the poor boy. We think it was a reaction to the anesthesia. At 8:30pm we decided to call the doctor. Due to the fact that we were not able to keep him hydrated we took him in to the ER to get some fluids. Thankfully the ER was not busy. We went back about an hour after we got there and they took good care of Gregg. They hooked him up to an IV and gave him fluid, some antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and last but not least Morphine! Gregg was able to get some sleep in between the normal ER noises. (We had some interesting company in the beds next to us.) At about 2:30 we got home and fell fast asleep, much needed sleep.
We were glad to get some help for Gregg. He was not doing so well. But as of this morning Gregg is doing great! He was able to eat some breakfast and not get sick! Now we are a mom and dads house watching TV and both being watched over!! Sometimes it pays to be with the sick ones! :-) Thank you for your prayers everyone! (Lets hope that next months surgery goes better!)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Gregg and the Kidney

Today Gregg had an ultrasound procedure that breaks up kidney stones. Unfortunately the doctor found that Gregg had more at his last check up. The good news is that the doctor thought that he would be able to get rid of them with the ultrasound. So this morning we went to LA for the surgery. Everything went well and Gregg is now resting. There is quite a bit of kidney pain, but the doctor did give him a form of Vicodin. Please pray that Gregg feels well as quickly as possible. Next month Gregg goes in again for the same surgery on the other kidney. We have decided that this is just the yearly cleaning.
Praise the Lord he has blessed us with a great doctor to take care of Gregg. For those of you who remember last year, this is the doctor that took care of us after the first doctor almost caused Gregg to loose his kidney. And even better than an amazing earthly doctor, we have the Great Physician who watches over Gregg. We will keep you all up to date on how Gregg is.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A few pics from Desember 2006

New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!! This last year has been great! Gregg and i have accomplished and learned a lot. Our favorite event of the year was purchasing a house in Camarillo! We have enjoyed fixing it up and moving in. Although we are still not done it is coming along! We enjoy having people come to stay with us in our new home. So if you are going to be in town give us a call!! We also had a new addition to our home in the form of "Man's best friend" our new dog, Sydney! She is the perfect pet for us, and I am finding that she is also most definitely a "girls best friend" as well. We love her! And the newest news is that Gregg got his transfer to the Ventura CHP office, effective January 31st! We are excited to see what the Lord has for us at this new office.
Today Gregg is at the Rose Bowl. He has been a part of the group of C.H.P. motorcycle officers that have been escorting the USC team to practices, special dinners, and other events.
We have been enjoying the past week of having Debra and Norm here with Canaan for the Holidays! Even though we have all been sick with colds and the flu, the lord has still blessed us with amazing time of fellowship and shopping! We love having them here!
We hope that your year was as blessed as ours and we hope to see all of you sometime soon!
This is a pic Gregg took from his phone. You can see his
fellow Motorcycle officers on the left.
Picture of Sydney!