What's Happening??
Friday14th- We Got the KEYS to the House! It is Officially ours!!! Camarillo Is home! No more Driving to Santa Clarita Every Day!!!
Saturday 15th- Demo Starts! Here is a before shot of the Fireplace/ Heater/ Pantry wall before we got keys to the house and the boys went to Town with a sledge hammer!

They have taken out all of the floors in the house, scraped all the ceilings, and removed the lowered ceiling heights that we wanted raised. Still to come in the demolition stage.... Bathrooms and bad electrical. (the guy who owned the house thought that he was an electrician. The following picture is of the home alarm system that he built himself!

We will post some more pictures as the project comes along! And a Big THANK YOU to all of you who have helped this process speed along!!!! It is much appriciated!!!